About Us

About Our Activities
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Since 2021

Saving endagered species

Our History

CWCI was created by passionate and dynamic conservationists who are spearheading successful work and are in need to publicity and funding to open doors, scale-up their work and realize their project’s goals. CWCI envisions a society wherein everyone understands the importance of wildlife and other natural resources to the survival of humanity and contribute in ensuring these resources are sustainably managed for present and future generations. We endeavor to achieve our goals through activities that promote environmental protection and maintain wildlife in their habitat.

In Africa, we are part-of the newly created African golden cat Conservation Alliance (AGCCA). The role of the AGCCA is to expand and oversee the conservation of the African golden cat across the species range.

The AGCCA is a species range-wide consortium for African golden cat (Caracal aurata) conservation across the African continent. The vision of the AGCCA is to extend conservation actions of the African golden cat across the species’ range (21 known countries), involving like-minded and dedicated African conservationists and their local communities. As partners to the AGCCA, we harness our common interests in wildlife conservation and socio-economic development to ensure the sustainable conservation of the African golden cat in our respective countries. We are concerned by the human related activities threatening the long-term survival of the African golden cat across its range, while being cognizant of the key socio-economic drivers of these threats. We are aware that it is through organization and togetherness as an alliance that we can achieve the conservation of the African golden cat and the development of our local communities.

Participants of the inaugural meeting for the AGCCA Kazinga National Park, Uganda

What Drives Us

What we do

We are saving pangolin species and the African golden cat in Cameroon.

We identify threats together with local people and wildlife managers. We then empower local people to implement threat reduction solutions, whilst improving local livelihood. Around the Council Forest of Yoko, 1250 local families with additional 252 youths have joined our conservation initiative. And we are still counting !